The Rejected Writer

A blog dedicated to one writer's search for an agent, and the inane rejections that come from inane agents who have forgotten who pays their mortgage.

Location: Near Bellinghausen Station, Antartica

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Miss Snark Picked Me!

...or at least Miss Abacus's random number generator did.

Haven't posted here for awhile, because I've been busy ... well, writing. Still waiting to hear back on the full request. I figure an answer will come when it comes. I've sent out more queries, most of which were rejections, but two of which were for partials. Thankful for that.

I'm really excited that I'm going to be snarked though. Couldn't really say why. What I sent is something I quit working on some time ago, and had kind of given up on. If MS likes it, perhaps I'll push it out into the cold, cruel world once again.

Thank you Miss Snark, whatever you may say!