The Rejected Writer

A blog dedicated to one writer's search for an agent, and the inane rejections that come from inane agents who have forgotten who pays their mortgage.

Location: Near Bellinghausen Station, Antartica

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Long lost writer in the noman's land of blogs...

Well, my fulls have turned to rejection. No worries though. I keep submitting. Meanwhile, I've been writing, writing, writing (with the occasional break for Miss Snark, and my sci-fi addiction).

Two cool projects I'm working on are adapting a fascinating novel (that's out of print) for film. I have some real experience in this world, and I know who I want to direct and star in it (Amanda Tapping). I even have connections to get financing. Now I just need to finish writing it, figure out the best way to reach Ms. Tapping to get her on board, and round up the money. Yeah, that's not mean task, but I've done it on a smaller scale before, so I just have to make one or two "right" connections to launch it.

Meanwhile, I've been working on a nonfiction book about forgiveness. I've lived and worked in the Middle East, and have first hand experience with reconciliation efforts - both the good, worthwhile kind, and the kind that are unadulterated crap. While I'm not sure that anyone could ever truly be expert on the subject, I have had this idea rattling around my head for some time, so I figured I'd put it down on paper. Only way to get it to stop shouting into my unconscious...

On a completely random "other" front, I've been poking around the website for a new online sci-fi show that will come to fruition quite soon. It's called Sanctuary and is going to be released as a web-only product that is really a giant new media project. The concept is fascinating. The writer/creator, Damian Kindler, is a smart, smart guy. Someone I'd do a lot to work with someday ... but I digress. Check it out. It's going to be an interactive show. We're getting closer and closer to the "idiot box" becoming obsolete. I can't wait!


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