I am a writer. I actually do make a discernable percentage of my living through writing. Much of the rest of it comes via editing or doing general communications and marketing consultation.
Several months ago, a novel that had been poking at the outer limits of my consciousness gained control of a loudspeaker and began blaring directly into my thoughtstream. If only to shut it up, I began writing it down. I'm still writing it down, but have simultaneously begun the task of finding what will soon be a finished product a publishing home.
My existing contacts in the publish world are with small publishers who specialize in non-fiction. My queries for third party contacts have come to naught thus far. So I began investigating houses with current lists into which my story would fit nicely.
Unfortunately for me, they are all "no unsolicited queries" houses. Having done acquisitions in the non-fiction realm, I do understand why this is done. For anyone who doesn't understand, suffice it to say that it has more to do with the tenuous threads of sanity to which most acquisitions editors cling so desperately than it does wanting to keep you out. Honest. That's the truth.
Thus began my search for an "agent." I've been doing more research on agents than I've done on anything in quite some time. A lot of them are pretty full of themselves. Too many think they're doing writers a favor by even reading a query. Most of them seem to have forgotten that writers are the sole reason they are employed as agents.
Some even have their own blogs. The most entertaining is perhaps that of
Miss Snark. Whoever this agent may be in real life s/he is someone to whom I extend an open invitation to drinks any time, any place. I have the utmost respect for anyone willing to call a spade a spade, and not a "manual earth-moving device."
All of that said, I did come across several who seem to be human beings, and who understand that their mortgage is paid by people like me (meaning writers). So began my query construction process. Many drafts and curses later, I have what I feel is a good query. Perfect? Perhaps not, but I am unconvinced that there is such a thing as a "perfect" query.
Since polishing my query to a 50s Buick chrome shine, I have sent it to three agents. I researched the current sales and fickle favors of these individuals prior to sending my query. I don't want to waste their time any more than I wish to waste my own. Two of the three responded with a form rejection. I also understand the need for the form rejection, but it is their rejections that have sparked the creation of this blog.
The agents' websites (well, the ones who seem to view writers a human beings anyway) all say something to the effect of, "look at the stuff I'm selling and send me something like that." I did this. But I guess my story or my query didn't hit that fickle fancy quite right somehow. Their loss. Still, it irks me. I do the work, try to hit the mark, and still come up with a "Dear Author" note in return.
Therefore, I dedicate this blog to the saga of trying to place my novel with an agent. While I do not claim the same wit and acid keyboard of
Miss Snark, I use her as my model in this endeavor. Snippets from some of the more assinine rejections will be posted here. If I run into any Barbara-the-scam-agent-like individuals, I'll post them here. And when I succeed, I'll tell you.
I invite other rejected writers here to bitch, moan, or otherwise engage in the sort of artistic masturbation all of us need now and again to release our pent up violence toward those who, while claiming to love us, squash us like stink bugs every chance they get.